Spring Vote 2022 Wildcard Options

#1 Interp in a Box

The competitor creates an original rendition of a relatable story from a single published work of literature with a focus on plot and character development which captivates and moves the audience, using props to emphasize the interpretation. The presentation may range from dramatic to humorous genres. All props must fit within a lidded container no larger than 18”x15”x11”. ​​The presentation must be memorized.

This event would have all of the benefits of an interpretation while adding the creativity of visual enhancements.

10 minutes

#2 Thematic Interpretation

This event is an interpretation of three or more published works from either the same or different authors related to one theme. The theme may be humorous, dramatic, or poetic with at least three pieces may alternate between serious and humorous or vice versa. Students interpret the selections with one theme or motif and write their own transitions.

Thematic Interpretations must be performed with a script binder in hand. Many creative and effective uses of the binder are allowed to enhance the interpretation.

Finding common themes in multiple selections and weaving them together to create a cohesive presentation of literary ideas with a compelling delivery that is relevant to the audience.

8 minutes